Manage Apache Kafka® Connect logging level#

During the operation of an Aiven for Apache Kafka® Connect cluster, you may encounter errors from one or more running connectors. Sometimes the stack trace printed in the logs is useful in determining the root cause of an issue, while other times the information provided just isn’t enough to work with.

It is possible to get access to more detailed logs to debug an issue. This can be done for a specific logger or connector by setting the logging level of an Apache Kafka® Connect cluster using the Kafka Connect REST APIs.


The REST API only changes the logging level on the node that’s accessed, not across an entire distributed Connect cluster. Therefore, for a multi-node cluster, you would have to change the logging level in all of the nodes that run the connector’s tasks you wish to debug.

For a dedicated Aiven for Apache Kafka® Connect cluster using a Startup plan, there is 1 node, while Business and Premium plans have 3 and 6 nodes respectively.

Modify the Kafka Connect logging level#

The following procedure allows you to update the logging level in an Aiven for Apache Kafka Connect service.

Get the Kafka Connect nodes connection URI#

To update the logging level in all the Kafka Connect nodes, you need to get their connection URI using the Aiven CLI service get command

avn service get SERVICE_NAME  --format '{connection_info}'


The above command will show the connection URI for each node in the form https://avnadmin:PASSWORD@IP_ADDRESS:PORT

Retrieve the list of loggers and connectors#

You can retrieve the list of loggers, connectors and their current logging level on each worker using the dedicated /admin/loggers Kafka Connect API

curl https://avnadmin:PASSWORD@IP_ADDRESS:PORT/admin/loggers --insecure


The --insecure parameter avoids a curl non matching certificates error due to using the IP instead of the hostname

The output should be similar to the following

    "org.apache.zookeeper": {
        "level": "ERROR"
    "org.reflections": {
        "level": "ERROR"
    "root": {
        "level": "INFO"


The previous command shows the standard list of loggers (org.apache.zookeeper, org.reflections and root) and any loggers for which the logging level has been already modified.

This means that if you have not previously set a custom logging level for a connector’s logger class, the related logger level information will not be visible in the list, even if that connector is currently running in the Kafka Connect cluster. The next section describes how to change the logging level of a particular logger.

Change the logging level for a particular logger#

To change the logging level for a particular logger you can use the same admin/loggers endpoint, specifying the logger name (LOGGER_NAME in the following command)

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json"          \
    -d '{"level": "TRACE"}'                             \   \


When the node is restarted, logging reverts back to using the logging properties defined in the log4j configuration file. In an Aiven for Apache Kafka® Connect cluster the default logging level is INFO.

For example, if you set the custom log level for the logger io.debezium.connector.postgresql.connection to be TRACE, then this is what you will see upon listing the logger levels:

    "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.connection.AbstractMessageDecoder": {
        "level": "TRACE"
    "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.connection.PostgresConnection": {
        "level": "TRACE"
    "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.connection.PostgresDefaultValueConverter": {
        "level": "TRACE"
    "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.connection.PostgresReplicationConnection": {
        "level": "TRACE"
    "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.connection.pgproto.PgProtoMessageDecoder": {
        "level": "TRACE"

Get the connector class name#

Loggers are Java objects which trigger log events, and each log message produced by the application is sent to a specific logger. Loggers are arranged in hierarchies, for example the logger io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector is a child of the logger io.debezium.connector.postgresql. When you define the logging level of a logger using the commands above, the logging level will be set for that logger and all of its children in the logger hierarchy.

By convention, loggers have the same name as the corresponding Java class. To get the name of the logger for a particular connector, use the connector’s class name. The class name is usually the first field of the connector configuration when you select a connector for creation in the Aiven Console. For example, the logger for the Debezium PostgreSQL® source connector is also its class name io.debezium.connector.postgresql:

    "connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.postgresql"