Configure Snowflake for a sink connector#

To be able to sink data from Apache Kafka® to Snowflake via the dedicated connector, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Configure a key pair authentication

  • Create a dedicated Snowflake user and associate the public key

  • Create a Snowflake role

  • Grant the Snowflake role access to the required database

Each of these steps are described in more details below.

Configure a Snowflake key pair authentication#

The Apache Kafka BigQuery sink connector requires a key pair authentication with a minimum 2048-bit RSA. You need to generate the key pair locally and then upload the public key to Snowflake as defined in the dedicated documentation. The following procedure guides you in the necessary steps:

  1. Generate the private key using openssl:

    openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -out rsa_key.p8


You’ll be prompted for the private key password, note it down since it’ll be required in the following steps

  1. Generate the public key using openssl:

    openssl rsa -in rsa_key.p8 -pubout -out

The above commands create two files:

  • rsa_key.p8: contains the private key, secured by a password

  • contains the public key

Create a dedicated Snowflake user and add the public key#

You need to associate the public key generated at the previous with a new or existing Snowflake user. The following steps define how to create a new user and associate the public key to it.

  1. In the Snowflake UI, navigate to the Worksheets panel, and ensure to use a role with enough privileges (SECURITYADMIN or ACCOUNTADMIN)

  2. Run the following query to create a user:

    CREATE USER aiven;
  3. Copy from all the content between -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- and -----END PUBLIC KEY----- and remove the newlines


The generated public key is usually stored on various lines, like:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

The output for the following command is the content between -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- and -----END PUBLIC KEY----- in one line, like:

  1. Run the following query to associate to the newly created aiven user the public key, by replacing the PUBLIC_KEY placeholder with the output of the above command:

    alter user aiven set RSA_PUBLIC_KEY='PUBLIC_KEY';

Create a dedicated Snowflake role and assign the user#

Creating a new role is strongly suggested to provide the minimal amount of privileges needed to the connector to operate. The following steps define what needs to be included:

  1. In the Snowflake UI, navigate to the Worksheets panel, and ensure to use a role with enough privileges (SECURITYADMIN or ACCOUNTADMIN)

  2. Run the following query to create a role:

    create role aiven_snowflake_sink_connector_role;
  3. Run the following query to grant the role to the previously created user:

    grant role aiven_snowflake_sink_connector_role to user aiven;
  4. Run the following query to alter the user making the new role default when logging in:

    alter user aiven set default_role=aiven_snowflake_sink_connector_role;

Grant the Snowflake role access to the required database#

The Snowflake sink connector will write data in tables belonging to a schema within a database. The following steps define the required grants that need to be associated to newly created role to write to the TESTSCHEMA schema in the TESTDATABASE database:

  1. In the Snowflake UI, navigate to the Worksheets panel, and ensure to use a role with enough privileges (SECURITYADMIN or ACCOUNTADMIN)

  2. Grant the required privileges to the newly created aiven_snowflake_sink_connector_role role:

    grant usage on database TESTDATABASE to role aiven_snowflake_sink_connector_role;
    grant usage on schema TESTDATABASE.TESTSCHEMA to role aiven_snowflake_sink_connector_role;
    grant create table on schema TESTDATABASE.TESTSCHEMA to role aiven_snowflake_sink_connector_role;
    grant create stage on schema TESTDATABASE.TESTSCHEMA to role aiven_snowflake_sink_connector_role;
    grant create pipe on schema TESTDATABASE.TESTSCHEMA to role aiven_snowflake_sink_connector_role;