avn service#

Here you’ll find the full list of commands for avn service.

Manage service details#

Commands for managing Aiven services via avn commands.

avn service acl#

Manages the Aiven for Apache Kafka® ACL entries.

More information on acl-add, acl-delete and acl-list can be found in the dedicated page.

avn service backup-list#

Retrieves the list of backups for a certain service.




The name of the service

Example: Retrieve the list of backups for the service grafana-25c408a5.

avn service backup-list grafana-25c408a5

An example of service backup-list output:

==============================  ====================  =========  ===================
grafana-20220614T140308137245Z  2022-06-14T14:03:08Z  774144     google-europe-west3

avn service ca get#

Retrieves the project CA that the selected service belongs to.




The name of the service


The file path used to store the CA certificate locally

Example: Retrieve the CA certificate for the project where the service named kafka-doc belongs and store it under /tmp/ca.pem.

avn service ca get kafka-doc --target-filepath /tmp/ca.pem

avn service cli#

Opens the appropriate interactive shell, such as psql or redis-cli, to the given service. Supported only for Aiven for PostgreSQL®, Aiven for Redis®*, and Aiven for InfluxDB® services.




The name of the service

Example: Open a new psql shell connecting to an Aiven for PostgreSQL® service named pg-doc.

avn service cli pg-doc

avn service connection-info#

Retrieves the connection information for Aiven for Apache Kafka®, Aiven for PostgreSQL® and Aiven for Redis®* in a variety of formats.

More information on connection-info can be found in the dedicated page.

avn service connection-pool#

Manages the PgBouncer connection pool for a given PostgreSQL® service.

More information on connection-pool-add, connection-pool-delete, connection-pool-list and connection-pool-update can be found in the dedicated page.

avn service connector#

Set of commands for managing Aiven for Apache Kafka® Connect connectors.

More information on connector available, connector create, connector delete, connector list, connector pause, connector restart, connector restart-task, connector resume, connector schema, connector status and connector update can be found in the dedicated page.

avn service create#

Creates a new service.




The name of the service


The type of service; the service types command has the available values


Aiven subscription plan name; check avn_service_plan for more information


The cloud region name; check avn-cloud-list for more information


Total amount of disk space for data storage (GiB)


The create command will not fail if a service with the same name already exists


Id of the project VPC where to include the created service. The cloud of the project’s VPC must match the service’s cloud


Stops the service to be included in the project VPC even if one is available in the selected cloud


Enables termination protection for the service


Any additional configuration settings for your service; check our documentation for more information, or use the service types command which has a verbose mode that shows all options.

Example: Create a new Aiven for Kafka® service named kafka-demo in the region google-europe-west3 with:

  • the business-4 plan

  • Kafka Connect enabled

  • 600 GiB of total storage capacity

avn service create kafka-demo             \
  --service-type kafka                    \
  --cloud google-europe-west3             \
  --plan business-4                       \
  -c kafka_connect=true                   \
  --disk-space-gib 600

avn service credentials-reset#

Resets the service credentials. More information on user password change is provided in the dedicated page.




The name of the service

Example: Reset the credentials of a service named kafka-demo.

avn service credentials-reset kafka-demo

avn service current-queries#

List current service connections/queries for an Aiven for PostgreSQL®, Aiven for MySQL or Aiven for Redis®* service.




The name of the service

Example: List the queries running for a service named pg-demo.

avn service current-queries pg-demo

avn service database#

Manages databases within an Aiven for PostgreSQL®, Aiven for MySQL or Aiven for InfluxDB® service.

More information on database-add, database-delete and database-list can be found in the dedicated page.

avn service es-acl#

Manages rules to OpenSearch® ACL and extended ACL configuration.

More information on es-acl-add, es-acl-del, es-acl-disable, es-acl-enable, es-acl-extended-disable, es-acl-extended-enable and es-acl-extended-list can be found in the dedicated page.

avn service get#

Retrieves a single service details.




The name of the service


Format of the output string

Example: Retrieve the pg-demo service details in the '{service_name} {service_uri}' format.

avn service get pg-demo --format '{service_name} {service_uri}'

Example: Retrieve the pg-demo full service details in JSON format.

avn service get pg-demo --json

avn service index#

Manages OpenSearch® service indexes.

More information on index-delete and index-list can be found in the dedicated page.

avn service integration#

Manages Aiven internal and external services integrations.

More information on integration-delete, integration-endpoint-create, integration-endpoint-delete, integration-endpoint-list, integration-endpoint-types-list, integration-endpoint-update, integration-list, integration-types-list and integration-update can be found in the dedicated page.

avn service keypair get#

Service keypair commands. The use cases for this command are limited to accessing the keypair for an Aiven for Apache Cassandra® service that was started in migration mode. For more information about this, see https://help.aiven.io/en/articles/3147884-using-sstableloader-to-migrate-your-existing-cassandra-cluster-to-aiven




The name of the service


The name of the keypair. Options are cassandra_migrate_sstableloader_user


The location to download the key to


The location to download the certificate to

Example: Retrieve the keypair, and save them to the /tmp directory, for an Aiven for Apache Cassandra® service, called test-cass, that was started in migration mode.

avn service keypair get --key-filepath /tmp/keyfile --cert-filepath /tmp/certfile test-cass cassandra_migrate_sstableloader_user

The output of this command results in 2 files (keyfile and certfile) saved to the /tmp directory.

avn service list#

Lists services within an Aiven project.




The name of the service

Example: Retrieve all the services running in the currently selected project.

avn service list

An example of service list output:

==================  ============  =======  ===================  ===========  ====================  ====================
cassandra-28962a5b  cassandra     RUNNING  google-europe-west3  business-16  2021-09-27T10:18:19Z  2021-09-27T10:25:58Z
os-24a6d6db         opensearch    RUNNING  google-europe-west3  business-4   2021-09-27T10:18:04Z  2021-09-27T10:23:31Z
influx-103c3f07     influxdb      RUNNING  google-europe-west3  startup-4    2021-09-27T10:18:13Z  2021-09-27T10:22:05Z
kafka-2134          kafka         RUNNING  google-europe-west3  business-4   2021-09-27T08:48:35Z  2021-09-27T11:20:55Z
mysql-12f7628c      mysql         RUNNING  google-europe-west3  business-4   2021-09-27T10:18:09Z  2021-09-27T10:23:02Z
pg-123456           pg            RUNNING  google-europe-west3  business-4   2021-09-27T07:41:04Z  2021-09-27T10:56:19Z

Example: Retrieve all the services with name demo-pg running in the project named mytestproject.

avn service list demo-pg --project mytestproject

avn service logs#

Retrieves the selected service logs.




The name of the service

Example: Retrieve the logs for the service named pg-demo.

avn service logs pg-demo

avn service m3#

Manages Aiven for M3 namespaces.

More information on namespace create, namespace delete, namespace list, namespace update can be found in the dedicated page.

avn service maintenance-start#

Starts the service maintenance updates.


Maintenance updates do not typically cause any noticeable impact on the service in use but may sometimes cause a short period of lower performance or downtime which shall not exceed 1 hour.




The name of the service

Example: Start the maintenance updates for the service named pg-demo.

avn service maintenance-start pg-demo


If there are no updates available, the command will show a service is up to date, maintenance not required message.

avn service metrics#

Retrieves the metrics for a defined service in Google chart compatible format. The list of service metrics includes:

  • cpu_usage: CPU usage percentage

  • disk_usage: Disk space usage percentage

  • disk_ioread: Disk reads IOPS

  • disk_iowrites: Disk writes IOPS

  • load_average: 5 min CPU load average

  • mem_usage: Memory usage percentage

  • net_receive: Network traffic received in bytes/s

  • net_send: Network traffic transmitted in bytes/s




The name of the service


The time period to retrieve the metrics for (possible values hour, day, week, month, year); the time period is relative to the current date and time, e.g. hour will retrieve metrics for the last hour.


The granularity of retrieved data changes based on the --period flag:

  • hour: 30 seconds

  • day: 5 minutes

  • week: 30 minutes

  • month: 3 hours

  • year: 1 day

Example: Retrieve the daily metrics for the service named pg-demo.

avn service metrics pg-demo --period day

avn service migration-status#

Get migration status

avn service plans#

Lists the service plans available in a selected project for a defined service type.




The type of service, check avn-cli-service-type for more information


The cloud region


To show the monthly price estimate

Example: List the service plans available for a PostgreSQL® service in the google-europe-west3 region.

avn service plans --service-type pg --cloud google-europe-west3

An example of service plans output:

pg:hobbyist                    $0.034/h  Hobbyist (1 CPU, 2 GB RAM, 8 GB disk)
pg:startup-4                   $0.136/h  Startup-4 (1 CPU, 4 GB RAM, 80 GB disk)
pg:startup-8                   $0.267/h  Startup-8 (2 CPU, 8 GB RAM, 175 GB disk)
pg:premium-360                $36.027/h  Premium-360 (96 CPU, 384 GB RAM, 3000 GB disk) 3-node high availability set
pg:premium-512                $43.836/h  Premium-512 (128 CPU, 512 GB RAM, 3000 GB disk) 3-node high availability set
pg:premium-896                $72.329/h  Premium-896 (224 CPU, 896 GB RAM, 3000 GB disk) 3-node high availability set

avn service queries#

Lists the service connections/queries statistics for an Aiven for PostgreSQL® or Aiven for MySQL. The list of queries data points retrievable includes:

A description of the retrieved columns for Aiven for PostgreSQL can be found in the dedicated PostgreSQL documentation .




The name of the service


The format string for output defining the query metrics to retrieve, e.g. '{calls} {total_time}'

Example: List the queries for an Aiven for PostgreSQL service named pg-demo including the query blurb, number of calls and both total and mean execution time.

avn service queries pg-demo --format '{query},{calls},{total_time},{mean_time}'

avn service queries-reset#

Resets service connections/queries statistics for an Aiven for PostgreSQL® or Aiven for MySQL service. Resetting query statistics could be useful to measure database behaviour in a precise point in time or after a change has been deployed.




The name of the service

Example: Reset the queries for a service named pg-demo.

avn service queries-reset pg-demo

avn service schema#

Service Schema commands

avn service schema-registry-acl#

Manages Aiven for Apache Kafka® Karapace schema registry authorization.

More information on schema-registry-acl-add, schema-registry-acl-delete, schema-registry-acl-list can be found in the dedicated page.

avn service sstableloader#

Service sstableloader commands

avn service tags#

Manage service tags.

More information on tags list, tags replace and tags update can be found in the dedicated page.

avn service task-create#

Create a service task




The name of the service


Project name (defaults to None)


Task operation (default: upgrade_check, possible values: migration_check, upgrade_check)


Upgrade target version (used for PostgreSQL) (possible values: 11, 12, 13, 14)


Migration: source URI for migration


Migration: comma-separated list of databases to be ignored (MySQL only)


Format string for output, e.g. {name} {retention_hours}


Raw JSON output

Example: Create a migration task to migrate a MySQL database to Aiven to the service mysql in project myproj

avn service task-create --operation migration_check --source-service-uri mysql://user:password@host:port/databasename --project myproj mysql

An example avn service task-create output:

=====================  =======  ====================================
mysql_migration_check  null     e2df7736-66c5-4696-b6c9-d33a0fc4cbed

avn service task-get#

Get details for a single task for your service




The name of the service


Project name (defaults to None)


The task ID to check


Format string for output, e.g. {name} {retention_hours}


Raw JSON output

Example: Check the status of your migration task with id e2df7736-66c5-4696-b6c9-d33a0fc4cbed for the service named mysql in the myproj project

avn service task-get --task-id e2df7736-66c5-4696-b6c9-d33a0fc4cbed --project myproj mysql

An example avn service task-get ouput:

TASK_TYPE              SUCCESS  TASK_ID                               RESULT
=====================  =======  ====================================  ====================================================================================
mysql_migration_check  true     e2df7736-66c5-4696-b6c9-d33a0fc4cbed  All pre-checks passed successfully, preferred migration method will be [Replication]

avn service terminate#

Permanently deletes a service.


The terminate command deletes the service and the associated data. The data is not recoverable. To temporarily shut down the service use the service update command: avn service update SERVICE_NAME --power-off




The name of the service


Force the action without requiring confirmation

Example: Terminate the service named demo-pg.

avn service terminate demo-pg


To avoid accidental service deletion, enable the termination protection during service creation or update by using the --enable-termination-protection flag

avn service topic#

Manages Aiven for Apache Kafka® topics.

More information on topic-create, topic-delete, topic-list and topic-update can be found in the dedicated page.

avn service types#

Lists the Aiven service types available in a project.

Example: Retrieve all the services types available in the currently selected project.

avn service types

An example of service types output:

=================  ===================================================================================
cassandra          Cassandra - Distributed NoSQL data store
elasticsearch      Elasticsearch - Search & Analyze Data in Real Time
grafana            Grafana - Metrics Dashboard
influxdb           InfluxDB - Distributed Time Series Database
kafka              Kafka - High-Throughput Distributed Messaging System
kafka_connect      Kafka Connect - Kafka Connect service
kafka_mirrormaker  Kafka MirrorMaker - Kafka MirrorMaker service
m3aggregator       M3 Aggregator - Aggregates metrics and provides downsampling
m3db               M3DB - Distributed time series database
mysql              MySQL - Relational Database Management System
opensearch         OpenSearch - Search & Analyze Data in Real Time, derived from Elasticsearch v7.10.2
pg                 PostgreSQL - Object-Relational Database Management System
redis              Redis - In-Memory Data Structure Store

The service types command in verbose mode also shows all the configuration options for each type of service:

avn service types -v

You might find it helpful to pipe the output to less since there are a large number of options available and the command output is long.

avn service update#

Updates the settings for an Aiven service.




The name of the service


The name of the cloud region where to deploy the service; check avn-cloud-list.


Apply a configuration setting. Run avn service types -v to view available values.


Total amount of disk space for data storage (GiB)


Aiven subscription plan name. See avn_service_plan.


Power on the service


Power off the service


Set the automatic maintenance window’s day of the week (possible values monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, never)


Set the automatic maintenance window’s start time (HH:MM:SS)


Enable termination protection


Disable termination protection


The ID of the project VPC to use for the service. The cloud of the project’s VPC must match the service’s cloud.


The service will not use any VPC


Force the action without requiring confirmation

Example: Update the service named demo-pg, move it to azure-germany-north region and enable termination protection.

avn service update demo-pg        \
  --cloud azure-germany-north     \

Example: Update the service named big-service to scale it down to the Business-4 plan.

avn service update big-service        \
  --plan business-4

Example: Update the service named secure-database to only accept connections from the range and the IP

avn service update secure-database \
  -c ip_filter=,


There is no whitespace between the IP addresses and comma in the command.

Example: Update the Kafka version of the service named kafka-service.

avn service update \
  kafka-service -c kafka_version=X.X


This also works for other service types. To see a full list of configuration parameters, have a look at avn service types -v

avn service user#

Manages Aiven users and credentials.

More information on user-create, user-creds-acknowledge, user-creds-download, user-delete, user-get, user-kafka-java-creds, user-list, user-password-reset and user-set-access-control can be found in the dedicated page.

avn service versions#

For each service, lists the versions available together with:

  • STATE: if the version is available or unavailable

  • AVAILABILITY_START_TIME and AVAILABILITY_END_TIME: Period in which the specific version is available

  • AIVEN_END_OF_LIFE_TIME: Aiven deprecation date for the specific version

  • UPSTREAM_END_OF_LIFE_TIME: Upstream deprecation date for the specific version

  • TERMINATION_TIME: Termination time of the active instances

  • END_OF_LIFE_HELP_ARTICLE_URL: URL to “End of Life” documentation

Example: List all service versions.

avn service versions

An example of service versions output:

=============  =============  ===========  =======================  =====================  ======================  =========================  ================  ====================================================================================================
cassandra      3.11           available    2018-11-08T00:00:00Z     null                   null                    null                       null              null
OpenSearch     7              unavailable  2020-08-27T00:00:00Z     2021-09-23T00:00:00Z   2022-03-23T00:00:00Z    null                       null              https://help.aiven.io/en/articles/5424825
OpenSearch     7.10           unavailable  2021-02-22T00:00:00Z     2021-09-23T00:00:00Z   2022-03-23T00:00:00Z    null                       null              https://help.aiven.io/en/articles/5424825
OpenSearch     7.9            unavailable  2020-08-27T00:00:00Z     2021-09-23T00:00:00Z   2022-03-23T00:00:00Z    null                       null              https://help.aiven.io/en/articles/5424825
kafka          2.3            unavailable  2019-09-05T00:00:00Z     2021-08-13T00:00:00Z   2021-08-13T00:00:00Z    null                       null              https://help.aiven.io/en/articles/4472730-eol-instructions-for-aiven-for-kafka
kafka          2.4            unavailable  2019-10-21T00:00:00Z     2021-08-13T00:00:00Z   2021-08-13T00:00:00Z    null                       null              https://help.aiven.io/en/articles/4472730-eol-instructions-for-aiven-for-kafka
pg             12             available    2019-11-18T00:00:00Z     2024-05-14T00:00:00Z   2024-11-14T00:00:00Z    2024-11-14T00:00:00Z       null              https://help.aiven.io/en/articles/2461799-how-to-perform-a-postgresql-in-place-major-version-upgrade
pg             13             available    2021-02-15T00:00:00Z     2025-05-13T00:00:00Z   2025-11-13T00:00:00Z    2025-11-13T00:00:00Z       null              https://help.aiven.io/en/articles/2461799-how-to-perform-a-postgresql-in-place-major-version-upgrade
pg             9.6            unavailable  2016-09-29T00:00:00Z     2021-05-11T00:00:00Z   2021-11-11T00:00:00Z    2021-11-11T00:00:00Z       null              https://help.aiven.io/en/articles/2461799-how-to-perform-a-postgresql-in-place-major-version-upgrade

avn service wait#

Waits for the service to reach the RUNNING state




The name of the service

Example: Wait for the service named pg-doc to reach the RUNNING state.

avn service wait pg-doc

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