Manage static IP addresses#


Each static IP address will incur a small charge

By default an Aiven service will use public IP addresses allocated from the cloud provider’s shared pool of addresses for the cloud region. As a result, Aiven service IP addresses cannot be predicted. This is a good approach for most use cases, but we do also offer static IP addresses should you need them. This allows you to configure a firewall rule for your own services.

Learn more about static IP addresses at Aiven.

Calculate the number of IP addresses needed#

Work out how many IP addresses your service will need to guarantee that the service has enough static IP addresses available to handle upgrades and failures. The table below shows how to calculate the number of IP addresses needed, depending on the size of your service plan.

Plan size

IP addresses needed


up to 6 nodes

double the number of nodes

3 node plan needs 6 static IP addresses (2 * 3 nodes)

6+ nodes

number of nodes + 6

9 node plan needs 15 static IP addresses (9 nodes, plus 6)

Reserve static IP addresses#

Create a static IP addresses using the Aiven CLI, repeat as many times as you need to create enough IP addresses for your service. Specify the name of the cloud that the IP address should be created in, to match the service that will use it.

avn static-ip create --cloud azure-westeurope

The command returns some information about the newly created static IP address.

================  ==========  ============  ========  ====================
azure-westeurope  null        null          creating  ip359373e5e56

When the IP address has been provisioned, the state turns to created. The list of static IP addresses in the current project is available using the static-ip list command:

avn static-ip list

The output shows the state of each one, and its ID, which you will need in the next step.

================  =============  ============  =======  ====================
azure-westeurope    null          created  ip359373e5e56
azure-westeurope  null          created  ip358375b2765

Once the status shows as created IP address can be associated with a service.

Associate static IP addresses with a service#

Using the name of the service, and the ID of the static IP address, you can assign which service a static IP should be used by:

avn static-ip associate --service my-static-pg ip359373e5e56
avn static-ip associate --service my-static-pg ip358375b2765

When you have the required number of addresses available, you can enable static IP addresses on your service.

Configure service to use static IP#

Enable static IP addresses for the service by setting the static_ips user configuration option:

avn service update -c static_ips=true my-static-pg


This leads to a rolling forward replacement of service nodes, similar to applying a maintenance upgrade. The new nodes will use the static IP addresses associated with the service

Once the nodes have been replaced, they will be using the static IP addresses that you associated with the service. You can check which ones are in use by running the avn static-ip list command again. The available state means that the IP is associated to the service, and assigned means that it is in active use.

Remove static IP addresses#


To dissociate an IP from a service, the service must either have enough IP addresses still available, or the static_ips configuration setting for the service must be set to false.

Static IP addresses are removed by first dissociating them from a service, while they are not in use. This returns them back to the created state to either be associated with another service, or deleted.

avn static-ip dissociate ip358375b2765

To delete a static IP:

avn static-ip delete ip358375b2765

Neither the dissociate or delete commands return any information on success.