Project member roles#

User permissions are assigned at the project level by role. Each user added to a project - individually or as part of a group - becomes a project member and is assigned a role for that project.

You can grant different levels of access to project members using roles:

  • Admin: Full access to the project and its services.

    • This role is automatically granted to users who create a project.

    • Does not have access to organization settings such as billing.

    • Can add and remove project members.


    Every project must have at least one admin user.

  • Operator: Full access to all services in the project.

    • Can create new services.

    • Cannot make changes to the project members.

  • Developer: Allowed to manage services in this project.

    • Can make changes to services and databases, for example: creating databases, connecting to databases, removing Aiven for OpenSearch® indexes, creating and modifying Aiven for Apache Kafka® topics, and creating and modifying Aiven for PostgreSQL® connection pools.

    • Can create and change service database users.

    • Cannot make changes to the project members.

    • Cannot make changes that affect billing (such as powering services on or off).

  • Read-only: Only allowed to view services.

    • Cannot make any changes to the project or its services.


View services

Create services

Manage services


Power services on/off

Edit members and roles




Read Only