Create a source connector from MongoDB to Apache Kafka®#

The MongoDB source connector periodically queries MongoDB collections and copies the new documents to Apache Kafka® where they can be transformed and read by multiple consumers.


The MongoDB source connector uses change streams to capture changes in MongoDB data at set intervals. Rather than directly polling the collection, the connector pulls new changes from a change stream using a query-based approach. You can set the polling interval as a parameter to determine how often changes are emitted from the stream. For a log-based change data capture method, use the Debezium source connector for MongoDB instead.


You can check the full set of available parameters and configuration options in the connector’s documentation.


To set up a MongoDB source connector, you need an Aiven for Apache Kafka service with Kafka Connect enabled or a dedicated Aiven for Apache Kafka Connect cluster.


The connector will write to a topic named DATABASE.COLLECTION so either create the topic in your Kafka service, or enable the auto_create_topic parameter so that the topic will be created automatically.

Furthermore you need to collect the following information about the source MongoDB database upfront:

  • MONGODB_CONNECTION_URI: The MongoDB database connection URL in the format mongodb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT where:

    • USERNAME: The database username to connect

    • PASSWORD: The password for the username selected

    • HOST: the MongoDB hostname

    • PORT: the MongoDB port

  • MONGODB_DATABASE_NAME: The name of the MongoDB database

  • MONGODB_COLLECTION_NAME: The name of the MongoDB collection

The complete list of parameters and customization options is available in the MongoDB dedicated documentation.

Setup a MongoDB source connector with Aiven Console#

The following example demonstrates how to setup an Apache Kafka MongoDB source connector using the Aiven Console.

Define a Kafka Connect configuration file#

Define the connector configurations in a file (we’ll refer to it with the name mongodb_source.json) with the following content, creating a file is not strictly necessary but allows to have all the information in one place before copy/pasting them in the Aiven Console:

    "connector.class": "com.mongodb.kafka.connect.MongoSourceConnector",
    "connection.uri": "MONGODB_CONNECTION_URI",
    "database": "MONGODB_DATABASE_NAME",
    "collection": "MONGODB_COLLECTION_NAME",
    "": "POLL_INTERVAL",
    "output.format.value": "VALUE_OUTPUT_FORMAT",
    "output.format.key": "KEY_OUTPUT_FORMAT",
    "publish.full.document.only": "true"

The configuration file contains the following entries:

  • name: the connector name, replace CONNECTOR_NAME with the name you want to use for the connector.

  • connection.uri, database, collection: source database parameters collected in the prerequisite phase.

  • polling period, time between two queries to the collection, default 5000 milliseconds.

  • output.format.value and output.format.key: the output format of the data produced by the connector for the key/value. Supported formats are:

    • json: Raw JSON strings

    • bson: Binary JavaScript Object Notation byte array

    • schema: Avro schema output, using this option an additional parameter (output.schema.key or output.schema.value) needs to be passed defining the documents schema

  • publish.full.document.only: only publishes the actual document rather than the full change stream document including additional metadata. Defaults to false.

Check out the dedicated documentation for the full list of parameters.

Create a Kafka Connect connector with the Aiven Console#

To create a Kafka Connect connector, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Aiven Console and select the Aiven for Apache Kafka® or Aiven for Apache Kafka Connect® service where the connector needs to be defined.

  2. Select Connectors from the left sidebar.

  3. Select Create New Connector, the button is enabled only for services with Kafka Connect enabled.

  4. Select MongoDB Kafka Source Connector.

  5. In the Common tab, locate the Connector configuration text box and select on Edit.

  6. Paste the connector configuration (stored in the mongodb_source.json file) in the form.

  7. Select Apply.


    The Aiven Console parses the configuration file and fills the relevant UI fields. You can review the UI fields across the various tab and change them if necessary. The changes will be reflected in JSON format in the Connector configuration text box.

  8. After all the settings are correctly configured, select Create connector.

  9. Verify the connector status under the Connectors screen.

  10. Verify the presence of the data in the target Apache Kafka topic, the topic name is equal to the concatenation of MongoDB database and collection names


You can also create connectors using the Aiven CLI command.

Example: Create a MongoDB source connector#

If you have in MongoDB a collection named students in a database named districtA containing the following data that you want to move to Apache Kafka:

{"name":"carlo", "age": 77}
{"name":"lucy", "age": 55}
{"name":"carlo", "age": 33}

You can create a source connector taking the students MongoDB collection to Apache Kafka with the following connector configuration, after replacing the placeholders for MONGODB_HOST, MONGODB_PORT, MONGODB_DB_NAME, MONGODB_USERNAME and MONGODB_PASSWORD:

    "name": "my-mongodb-source",
    "connector.class": "com.mongodb.kafka.connect.MongoSourceConnector",
    "database": "MONGODB_DB_NAME",
    "collection": "students",
    "output.format.key": "json",
    "output.format.value": "json",
    "output.schema.infer.value": "true",
    "": "1000"

The configuration file contains the following peculiarities:

  • "collection": "students": setting the collection to source.

  • "database": "MONGODB_DB_NAME": the database used is the one referenced by the placeholder MONGODB_DB_NAME.

  • "output.format.key" and "output.format.value": are both set to produce messages in JSON format.

  • "output.schema.infer.value": "true": the schema is automatically inferred.

  • "": "1000": One second polling time

Once the connector is created successfully, you should see a topic named MONGODB_DB_NAME.students in Aiven for Apache Kafka.