Access PgBouncer statistics#
PgBouncer is used at Aiven for Connection pooling.
Get PgBouncer URL#
PgBouncer URL can be checked under Pools in Aiven Console > your Aiven for PostgreSQL® service’s page > Pools view (available from the sidebar). Alternatively, it can be extracted via Aiven Command Line interface, using jq
( to parse the JSON response.
Execute the following command replacing the INSTANCE_NAME
parameter with the name of your instance:
avn service get INSTANCE_NAME --project PROJECT_NAME --json | jq -r '.connection_info.pgbouncer'
The output will be similar to the below:
Connect to PgBouncer#
Connect to PgBouncer using the URL extracted above and show the statistics with:
pgbouncer=# SHOW STATS;
Depending on the load of your database, the output will be similar to:
database | total_xact_count | total_query_count | total_received | total_sent | total_xact_time | total_query_time | total_wait_time | avg_xact_count | avg_query_count | avg_recv | avg_sent | avg_xact_time | avg_query_time | avg_wait_time
pgbouncer | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
(1 row)
to see all available commands. Only read-only access is available, as PgBouncer pools are automatically managed by Aiven.